C1: Edit the program below to print a list from 0 to 15.
C2: Delete the block quotes around the next program and run it
C3: Add block quotes around the first loop so we don't have to look at it every time we do something
C4: Edit the loop above to count from 3 to 8
C5: Change the first line of the loop above to say:
for loopCounter in range(3,37,3)
Try it and see what happens
C6: Change that last number to 4. What does the last number do?
C7: Make the loop print the 5 x table
C8: Before the loop, ask the user for a number from 1 to 12. Get the loop to print out that times table.
C1: Edit the program below to print a list from 0 to 15.
C2: Delete the block quotes around the next program and run it
C3: Add block quotes around the first loop so we don't have to look at it every time we do something
C4: Edit the loop above to count from 3 to 8
C5: Change the first line of the loop above to say:
for loopCounter in range(3,37,3)
Try it and see what happens
C6: Change that last number to 4. What does the last number do?
C7: Make the loop print the 5 x table
C8: Before the loop, ask the user for a number from 1 to 12. Get the loop to print out that times table.
- What have you learnt?
- What has challenged you and why?
- What do you want to do know?