Unit Learning Intentions
What you will learn: Units
1) bit, nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte 2) how data needs to be converted into a binary format to be processed by a computer. 3) data capacity and calculation of data capacity requirements What you need to know?
What you will learn: Numbers 1) how to convert positive denary whole numbers to binary numbers (up to and including 8 bits) and vice versa 2) How to add two binary integers together (up to and including8 bits) 3) explain overflow errors which may occur ̈ 4) how to convert positive denary whole numbers into 2-digit hexadecimal numbers and vice versa ̈ how to convert binary integers to their hexadecimal equivalents and vice versa perform a Binary shifts What you need to know?
What you will learn: Characters 1) the use of binary codes to represent characters 2) the term ‘character-set’ 3)the relationship between the number of bits per character in a character set and the number of characters which can be represented (for example ASCII, extended ASCII and Unicode). What you need to know?
What you will learn: Images 1) how an image is represented as a series of pixels represented in binary metadata included in the file 2) the effect of colour depth and resolution on the size of an image file, the quality of the mage, the size of an image file What you need to know?
What you will learn: Sound 1) how sound can be sampled and stored in digital form 2) how sampling intervals and other factors affect the size of a sound file and the quality of its playback 3) sample size, bit rate, sampling frequency. 4) the effect on playback quality and the size of a sound file What you need to know?